
Leintwardine is a village in north Herefordshire, population around 400 souls, about 8 miles from the delightful town of Ludlow. But if you got here via the Leintwardine Online website, you’ll know all that.

So what is the Leintwardine Centre? In short, it’s three buildings – the former village school and the next door Reading Room (see About The Centre for more history), plus the Old School Room.  With the help of grants from various public bodies and private charities, these have been converted into the village’s community centre.  They offer:

  • a large hall with room for 90 in the main hall,
  • a 35-seater meeting room in the Reading Room, and
  • a light and airy ‘workshop’ cum meeting room in the Old School Room,

all with their own catering facilities. Office space is also available for rent.

It’s home to a surprising variety of regular activities, from yoga classes to lazy lunches for older residents of the village, not to mention Flicks in the Sticks (our local cinema!) and the Leintwardine Players, the village’s AmDram group. It’s also the base of the Leintwardine History Society, a thriving group devoted to studying the very long and rich history of the village – known as Branogenium to the Romans – and the surrounding district.

The Centre is also home to the Parish Council, which holds its regular meetings there, and as such, plays a key part in supporting the system of local government and democracy. 

If you’d like to know more about the Centre and its activities or would be interested in hiring any of the facilities, renting office space, or indeed starting up a group or society of your own, get in touch.

This website is maintained on behalf of the Committee of the LVHCC (Leintwardine Village Hall and Community Centre). The webmaster is Jo Comino, who can be contacted via the secretary whose details are on this page..

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