Autumn, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness……

….. is upon us but with weather like today’s, who wants to sit in front of a computer writing blogs? My unerring sense of duty compels me to put finger to keyboard to tell you about a leetle problem which is starting to get everso slightly serious. But before that, a quick recap of what’s happened since the last entry back in the distant days of June.

The Open Gardens weekend was a great success – the best ever, financially, so hats off to Stephen Nockolds for doing such a great job of organising it. It was his first time and he’s now got lots of ideas about how to make it even better next year. Requirement number one is of course… er… gardens, so if you would like to show yours next year, do get in touch with him. You can contact him through me at (note the e-mail address – we’ve gone back to using the old gmail addresses so that we have more capacity. )

We’ve had two meetings of the Committee since June but they were mainly devoted to routine admin matters. One good piece of news is that the refurbishing of the primary school building is going to be a bit less expensive than we thought. We’re still looking for potential users/tenants so if you have any ideas or would be interested yourself, do get in touch. Our chairman Harvey Vallis is drafting a proposal which will be discussed at the Committee meeting this coming week.

I’ve already mentioned that we are having difficulty finding people to serve on the Committee as it’s deemed too bureaucratic and no fun so we three officers – Harvey (chairman), Rob (treasurer) and myself (secretary) are currently working on a proposal to make life easier (and hopefully less of a bore) for Committee members. And here’s the little problem: all three of us will be stepping down in less than a year from now. In my case, I will soon have been secretary for 5 years, which I think is probably enough – for the Committee. So not only do we need new Committee members, we need a new chairman, treasurer and secretary. The work ain’t rocket science and despite what I’ve said about the obligations involved, it’s not very onerous. Of course if you do volunteer, we will do everything to facilitate the transition.

And what happens if the Committee ceases to function? The management of the Community Centre reverts to the Parish Council, who already have more than enough on their collective plate. For more information, contact me at the above e-mail address or on 01547 540 777. At this point I should attach a picture of the famous Kitchener recruitment poster (“Your country needs you”), but EVERYBODY does that so here’s something completely different (which burnishes the Committee’s equal opportunities reputation).