The Leintwardine Youth Group has a new representative on the LCC Committee.
The Committee is very pleased to welcome Stephen Nockolds as the new LYG representative. He’ll take over from Karen Foote – not that Karen is leaving but she’s already got more than enough to do being ( a super-efficient) bookings officer.
It’s a pity that the folk singers Megson had to postpone their gig this Friday but when you’re a duo and one of you has lost his voice…… Still they’ll be back on Saturday, March 19th. If you’ve bought a ticket and would like to come on the new date, you don’t need to do anything. The tickets for Friday will be honoured on the 19th. If you prefer to have a refund, contact Debbie Whittle on 01547540554.
We had our second meeting of the year last night – mostly routine stuff but there’s one thing looming on the horizon which could cause problems. For a number of years, Peter Faulkner has been using the Primary School building behind the Main Hall as a coracle workshop. He’s now decided to give up the lease and so we will need to re-let it. Just one problem: the place is in a very bad way, with bits of ceiling falling down and a hole in the floor. Not to mention the wiring. So the Committee plans to bring in a professional surveyor to take a good look at the place and tell us what needs to be done to make it wind and waterproof and generally safe. Then we’ll get some cost estimates and decide how to proceed in such a w ay that it doesn’t drain the resources we need to maintain the other two buildings. Watch this space.
Incidentally, the minutes of our January meeting have just been published along with the treasurer’s report.
Terry Clough