Keen readers of this blog(!) or the minutes of our meetings(!!) will know that we’ve recently recovered the former Infants’ School building behind the Main Hall, which has been in use as a coracle workshop for the last umpteen years. We’ve begun the process of preparing a specification for the work to be done to bring it back to good condition, after which we’ll start applying for grants. What we need then is somebody to take it over and use it. There were mutterings about a micro-brewery at one point, but that idea seems to have evaporated, sadly. To help you (and us) get some ideas, the building will be open to visitors from 10am to 12 am on Saturday 4th February in conjunction with the usual First Saturday coffee morning. Even if you don’t want to take it over yourself, you might have an idea as to what it might be used for, so do come and have a look.
And advance notice of another event: the Leintwardine Centre has been given a number of paintings by the artist David Donne, who lived in Watling Street until his death last year. The tentative idea at this stage is to have an exhibition at the March First Saturday and then either sell them or have an auction. More on this anon.
The only other recent development is that we had our regular Committee meeting last week, where one of the most important items was the under-use of the reading room meeting room behind the library. Last year the committee invested in some thick curtains which have greatly improved the acoustics and thus dealt with one of the main complaints. Once again, any ideas? The room is ideal for smallish groups and has a kitchenette, so you can make tea and toast. It even has wifi broadband access – soon to be upgraded to high speed. I don’t want to sound pessimistic but if the room doesn’t at least cover its costs, drastic action may be required…..
Do please contact me if you want to discuss it or even have a look round.
Oh, and one last thing. The design of our website has changed yet again. It crashed just before Christmas when the “theme” it was based on suddenly disappeared.
Thanks to some rapid action by the wonderful Stacie Jones, it’s now back on line but looking a bit untidy. Another addition to the list of things to do…
Terry Clough